J'ai un peu de retard sur cette news, je m'en excuse.
Cet utilitaire permet l'ouverture des images GDI Dreamcast et Naomi et quelques modifications.
Voici le changelog depuis la précédente version :
- Fixed: Drag'n drop for file extraction (missing flag in the release build).
- Fixed: UI messages and typos.
- Fixed: Unable to open some CDI v3.5 files.
- Fixed: Horizontal scrolling in the file explorer.
- Fixed: IP.BIN TOC viewer does not display the right LBAs and sizes.
- Fixed: Cannot open any files when the app is in a network shared folder.
- Added: NAOMI binary encryption (for those that would like to test hacks).
- Added: Export GDI for GDEMU, with region-free and VGA patches (and also EDC/ECC data re-generation).
- Added: Edit menu to see possible user actions for a selection.
- Added: GDI track checks to ensure tracks are continuous and do not overlap.
- Improved: UI responsiveness when opening folders with hundreds of files.
- Cleanup: UI code.
Téléchargement et source : japanese-cake.livejournal.com
Pour réagir à cet article : http://x-community.grafbb.com/t1383-gdi-explorer-les-differentes-news