
GDI Explorer 1.6.2

Japanese-cake met à jour son logiciel Windows GDI Explorer en le passant en version 1.6.2.

J'ai un peu de retard sur cette news, je m'en excuse.
Cet utilitaire permet l'ouverture des images GDI Dreamcast et Naomi et quelques modifications.
Voici le changelog depuis la précédente version :
  •   Fixed: Drag'n drop for file extraction (missing flag in the release build).
  •  Fixed: UI messages and typos.
  •  Fixed: Unable to open some CDI v3.5 files.
  •  Fixed: Horizontal scrolling in the file explorer.
  •  Fixed: IP.BIN TOC viewer does not display the right LBAs and sizes.
  •  Fixed: Cannot open any files when the app is in a network shared folder.
  •  Added: NAOMI binary encryption (for those that would like to test hacks).
  •  Added: Export GDI for GDEMU, with region-free and VGA patches (and also EDC/ECC data re-generation).
  •  Added: Edit menu to see possible user actions for a selection.
  •  Added: GDI track checks to ensure tracks are continuous and do not overlap.
  •  Improved: UI responsiveness when opening folders with hundreds of files.
  • Cleanup: UI code.
Merci à Cyberxander de m'avoir réveillé.

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