
SD Card Maker v1.02

Nouvelle version de SD Card Maker par Madsheep. Le logiciel Windows de gestion de carte SD pour GDemu passe en version 1.02.

 Rappel des possibilités :

  • Prepare your SD CARD For the GDEMU 
  • Edit SD CARD after Creation
  • Add,Remove images
  • Rearrange your images (by Drag and Drop or with the buttons)
  • Drag and Drop folders or images files
  • Region Patching for GDI files
  • VGA Patching for GDI files
  • Menu Creation & Editing
  • Auto saving Options
  • You can translate to your language

Changelog de cette version :
  • Small Fixes
  • Right-Click Options (Move to Top, Move to Bottom ,Delete) and
    for GDI files (Verify Image and Region Options*)
  • Now when you drag and drop a folder the program will add all images from all sub-folders

*Region options for separate images will be available after image is written to sd card

Téléchargement : SD Card Maker 1.02
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